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    Terry Redlin Teacher Wins $500

    Jessica Foley at Terry Redlin Elementary has demonstrated to students that school and learning can be enjoyable. While challenges still arise, her positive influence is evident. She invests her money to provide snacks for the children, ensuring they don’t have to focus on hunger. Recognized as a Levo winner, she has inspired students to take pride in their work when presenting to their parents. Through her guidance, she has helped the children believe in themselves and realize their potential. Discover more about all our winners at:

    #ForwardTogether #AdoptAClassroom
    (0:01) Levo is pleased to award Ms. Jessica Foley as one of our 2025 Adopt-A-Classroom recipients, (0:09) and as such, she receives $500 from Levo Credit Union, one of eight teachers, to win this award. (0:15) And she was nominated by Nick, and Nick's going to tell us a little bit about why he nominated Ms. (0:20) Foley. Well, I've had the opportunity of sitting in Ms. Foley's classroom and seeing the way she (0:26) interacts with her students, the love that her students then in turn have for Ms. Foley.


    (0:33) I also know that she's the type of teacher, and there are many in Sioux Falls, but I've seen Ms. (0:39) Foley, if a student doesn't have something, she makes sure they do. And she doesn't even think (0:45) twice about it, whether it's a hat, gloves, snacks during the day, she'll just go out of her way to (0:52) make sure that everybody is always taken care of. That is fantastic, and we're so happy to be able (0:57) to help you out with those efforts.


    Hopefully you know what you're going to use the money for. (1:02) Well, my students told me I could not buy myself a new pair of shoes, so they said I have enough (1:07) shoes. I think they asked me if I would get them some Robux, but I also said I don't think that was (1:14) a great idea.


    So, we'll most likely use the money for classroom snacks. We can't learn if we're (1:19) hungry. We've got a few upcoming science and social studies projects that we'll buy supplies (1:25) for.


    Tomorrow, we get to make 3D images of the United States, so we've got to make some homemade (1:30) Play-Doh, so we'll use some of the money for that. And I believe we have a Valentine's Day party (1:35) coming up soon, so we're going to want to have some snacks and some fun surprises with that. (1:41) That is wonderful.


    Thank you so much for nominating Ms. Foley, and Ms. Foley, thank you for everything (1:46) you do to help our kids. Thank you so much.

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